Silk does for the body, what diamonds do for the hand
This quote by designer Oscar de la Renta...
Silk is produced from the threads of cocoons spun by silkworms on their journey to becoming a silk moth. Each cocoon is made from a single thread that can be nearly a mile long and is about the size of...
Silk absorbs dyes extremely well.
There are two main dyeing methods: yarn-dyed, where the fibres are dyed before weaving or piece-dyed when the dyeing takes place after the fabric has been woven...
- Iron before cutting. Use a warm dry iron on the reverse side of the fabric. Use a cool iron for chiffon. Do not spray water as it can leave a watermark
- ...
Here are a few facts about silk that may surprise you:
- According to legend, silk was discovered...
Pongees range of 10 Wild Silks comprises woven by hand tussar and ghicha silks, with their distinctive, artisan appearance...
Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment - for many fashion and fabric buyers, and fabric suppliers, this statement by French painter Claude Monet with...
Satin is one of the most common terms when referring to silk fabric. The name is derived from the satin weave which produces a smooth and lustrous surface, created by weaving a minimum of four weft (vertical)...
Silk douppion is a type of plain weave silk fabric with a fantastic lustre. Also known as dupioni, dupion or douppioni, this fabric has a crisp quality that makes it suitable for many different uses. ...